
A Workplace And How To Treat Them

Injuries in the workplace are very real problems and you may not even realize that you are suffering from something before it is too late. Besides physical injuries that are noticeable, there are also a number of other problems that can be caused from simple daily tasks like typing or filing documents. It is necessary to get checked regularly to prevent these injuries as well as get any small injury checked immediately so that you are healthy. Common Injuries Any injury that takes place during the course of your employment is classified as a work related injury. Some of the most common injuries include: • Accidents like sprains, muscle pulls, broken bones. • Trauma injuries that could occur over a longer period of time due to the kind of physical activity that you do on the job. For example, hearing loss, loss of eyesight or respiratory problems due to inhalation of toxic vapors. • Sudden injuries like heart attacks or strokes. These could often be traced back to stress and other

Check Your Bones/ Bone Loss

Depression and bone loss, while seeming to be unrelated, often occur together. What does that mean? Is there some magical explanation, like that bad luck runs in pairs? Or worse, that it runs in threes and one more bad thing is on it's way? Happily, there's a better explanation,- one that can lead to resolution of both problems. Here's what these two health epidemics have in common, along with what to do about them. Some 19 million people in the U.S. are clinically depressed. Also, osteoporosis (bone loss) threatens 28 million citizens who either have it or are developing it. These two conditions may seem unrelated at first. But enter the fascinating world of clinical nutrition and you can discover not only how and why they're connected, but also why one strategy can address both. There are three primary connections: 1. Essential fatty acid deficiencies or imbalances; 2. Nutritional deficiencies or imbalances in the hormonal systems; 3. Deficiencies or imbalances